************(1/5)************ ************(2/5)************ ***********(3/5)************ ************(4/5)************                 *************(5/5)************ I made these photos/posters and request my readers to ponder about a river basin that feeds living beings and is under threat due to the hydropower potential as per reports. Should we redesign, rethink and rehabilitate or what other alternatives would … More MEKONG – DEAD OR ALIVE?

Lockdown Diaries

Sharing thoughts from the lockdown diaries! Teaming and trimming are already going on. Wishing love and luck to the new age technologies. Are you more into curbing critics? So out of quitting and cutting, I sympathise with the happenings around like in case of Phillipines’ press sufferings. The non essentials like the pubs, theatres were … More Lockdown Diaries

The Bookworm

Hi….I AM A HUMAN, a human being and being human, please do not mistake me for a bot, lovelies! When I was a child, I thought I’ll become a doctor. This is because I was reading a script in the form of a book where I was told that I will bring the highest development … More The Bookworm

The Experiments

Hope you are in a good spirit! So again I am landing for a few more minutes here, on your screens, of course, as usual. Scroll below and here you go…3…2…1….Boom!!!! So, can the fire in your belly make you do literally anything? So you must be thinking as to what fire I am referring … More The Experiments