Who should Fund the Art, Culture & Clean Energy?

Art and culture of a nation talks volumes of its inhabitants. The lifestyle of people in the past can provide a lot of information about their daily routines, food, clothing and scientific breakthroughs of their times. This information can be collected in the form of the cultural heritage as evident from the monuments, forts, artefacts … More Who should Fund the Art, Culture & Clean Energy?

This Indian “Geo” is here to steal your heart. Know why.

Hi folks. The title of the discussion is really daunting. It is a spoiler alert. Yes, I found the one. Do you know about this? I think that it is really important for me to discuss the complexities of the emotions. There are certain new thoughts that you’d learn if you read this for a … More This Indian “Geo” is here to steal your heart. Know why.


  ************(1/5)************ ************(2/5)************ ***********(3/5)************ ************(4/5)************                 *************(5/5)************ I made these photos/posters and request my readers to ponder about a river basin that feeds living beings and is under threat due to the hydropower potential as per reports. Should we redesign, rethink and rehabilitate or what other alternatives would … More MEKONG – DEAD OR ALIVE?

The Orphans

Who came first-the egg or the chicken? You decide. Life is precious! Would you like to treat it as a ‘lost & found’ notice??? You were merely an egg before you were launched! You like it or not but eggs attract us all. That is why a cuckoo hides its eggs because a crow might … More The Orphans


Hello everyone! Seeing you all after quite some time and I think it is important to get a check on what’s happening around.  Hope you all are doing well. So we all love our mothers, don’t we? As a matter of fact, we are all blessed to have been raised well but then there are … More MOMS INITIATIVE