Would you believe this? Don’t you think that corona virus someway united people more than any other citizenship acts. A strange unity in diversity with the brethrens of corona virus all over the globe. Check my 1 minute video for more clarity!

The Bookworm

Hi….I AM A HUMAN, a human being and being human, please do not mistake me for a bot, lovelies! When I was a child, I thought I’ll become a doctor. This is because I was reading a script in the form of a book where I was told that I will bring the highest development … More The Bookworm


Holy shit! It has been a long time and I missed you all so much. This is what the tradition is like. Right? Actually it is not applicable in the digital era. Apologies for the disappointment. Ask me why? We carry the word press in our hearts and this is the reason that despite staying … More DIGITECH