Life lessons from the lenses of Ibn e Insha

بسم الله رحمانير رحيمSalaam and Namaste to all genres of folks.Roti, Kapda aur Makaan; the food, clothing & housing is considered as one of the basic tenets of life. Interestingly, Ibn e Insha in his famous book ‘Urdu Ki Aakhiri Kitaab’, requests people to focus on building an ‘Imaan’ before dreaming of the materialistic happiness. … More Life lessons from the lenses of Ibn e Insha


Do you have any idea of the smell that you leave behind after you walk out of your house or your workplace? The fragrance tells it all. If the perfume you wear is unbearable, you might be ridiculed by the person sitting next to you. Here’s where the adverse situations arise. A new way to … More fRAGNANCE


Are you a dear or a deer? I am a dear but not a deer. So even if am attacked by a lion, the lion will love me. Foxes bug me but the foxes I see around teach me to be strong and keep going. The dogs around me bark and the horses neigh. In … More Ok DEAR


Hello everyone! Seeing you all after quite some time and I think it is important to get a check on what’s happening around.  Hope you all are doing well. So we all love our mothers, don’t we? As a matter of fact, we are all blessed to have been raised well but then there are … More MOMS INITIATIVE