This Indian “Geo” is here to steal your heart. Know why.

Hi folks. The title of the discussion is really daunting. It is a spoiler alert. Yes, I found the one. Do you know about this? I think that it is really important for me to discuss the complexities of the emotions. There are certain new thoughts that you’d learn if you read this for a minute, to only discover that your heart has been stolen.

Think about a situation. You love a subject. You work for it. It gives you your bread & butter. You love your job. If so, you are really satisfied irrespective of minor issues which are common everywhere. What is missing then? Nothing but your creative juices that you do not really use. Because if you did, you’d begin to appreciate what others are doing but instead you are a savage of your steadfast attitude towards life.

There are exceptions. A woman I knew was a Professor of a highly reputed institution in India. Professor, Dr Reema of IIT ISM was a notable personality in her domain of Science. She studied Geophysics and did a lot of marvelous stuff. Her cultural knowledge about life was commendable. I was fortunate to have met her in many circumstances. Unfortunately, she is no more to prove her talent of arts & science or may be science & arts, depending upon her contributions which was more in the field of science. There are many more examples. Honestly, I too believe that I am one such Indian “Geo” who can join the country club. Thinking on such lines, I did what I could, many a times regretting as to why I did, what I did with a sense of tears, joy & laughter. This includes a lot of participation into social events that were only moments of temporary satisfaction.

This brings me to an important point. Do you really think that creativity is important? Well, after conducting several practical experiments, I often feel that this is one of the most dreadful tunnels that can take you to either light or the darkness as you go through different scenarios in front of you and at the back of your mind, pulling you to play the different strings of guitar that produces a music and reverberates too far to steal the hearts of people. However, melodious it might be, you truly need a yardstick to measure the steps that made you travel, thus far. I wish to thank those whom I could not acknowledge here. I will mention you when the time is right. Love, thanks & apologies.

I am Miss Zarin Ali, ExGeologist (HZL, Vedanta) from India, playing now as a Postgraduate (MSc) student of Earth Science in Monash University, Australia. I am looking forward to add many titles ahead to prove my points as mentioned above for science & arts collaboration. I can be reached at where you can maintain industrial connections unlike where I mention different researches in STEM.

Thanks for reading!

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