A Million Dollar Idea!

I know the topic is attractive. This is why, I will get straight to the point. As the title suggests, ‘A Million Dollar Idea’, I would like to take a few minutes to discuss about it. Well, the idea is an idea only but for its implementation, we should rely on money, which is investment, I mean. The topic is related to the elimination of hunger across the globe. You might ask, “Why hunger? Why not education?”. I have got the answer. You can only educate a person if they have the basic elements to sustain and by that I mean, both the natural & the manmade components. The air, water, fire & soil are there but the food that needs to be ingested and digested is missing. Scientifically, people are aware of the different seed crops that can be used to generate crops from where cultivation can be carried out. All this is fine. Something is still missing. It is ENTERTAINMENT. That sounds crazy but its true. Give me a moment to explain my point.

More than half of the population despite being poor are somehow still able to get access to mobile phones. What they are watching is something that I won’t like to discuss but somehow they cannot afford streaming Netflix though. The food that they are consistently consuming is not really good for them & I mean, in terms of both physical & emotional well-being. Ironically, even those among the affluent do not escape this food! The children might be at risk too. Nobody has the time to think of fighting against hunger as they dwell in the fabricated lives of consumerism. I am no exception! I too, am caught in the web of this market of consumerism but things changed one night! A pop-up notification showed an amazing tweet by Elon Musk about his 6.5billion dollars to end hunger. He has already donated that money, it seems, as per a news report but if he wishes to beat the Gates, then he must invest at least a million.

‘Is It A Million Dollar Idea?’ – is a thought only as it has not been converted to an action. I thought to put it in words and share with the public for feedback. The idea is to utilize the ENTERTAINMENT – not the naughty ones though. In the current times, the entire globe has already been divided into latitudes, longitudes, continents, countries & provinces. There’s almost a petabyte of unused data everywhere. Wait. I am linking the ‘Entertainment’ here. Before all these divisions existed, there were only a handful of people including explorers like Columbus. There’s only a few even till date with the only exception of viewing things differently. Thanks to the evolution! With a handful of explorers, do you think you can decode all the wonders of the world? Simply no! In the context of food & hunger, we need to deploy people who could be the artists for their immense outreach capacities. So you should now ask – “What has Musk got to do with the 6.5billion dollars?” Invest it all! He should employ all the actors from all corners of the globe, with little or no reputation or those who dare to reach out to people. If our already existing beloved actors participate (which I am not quite sure) to ‘act’ as ‘explorers’ reaching out to every nook & corner of the city they live in, I can guarantee that the urban population would climb up the ladder! Your country map also has the list of villages. Right? Well, one would surely need access to good community engagement (with security protection of course). Will that not need investments? I think our scientists are already doing a lot to cope with the growing demands but outreach is certainly an offset to all the hard work.

To summarise, if a 6.5billion dollar is invested to set up a company under the banner of ‘Musk Explorers’, not only will the artists grab jobs but they can contribute to the outreach goals as well. Imagine your favourite actor exploring in the daytime and meeting people (in poverty) on footpaths & roads, and helping them with the foods (scientifically recommended). This won’t be easy at all. It would require approval from many administrative levels. I guess a bill should be passed in all the Parliaments of the world in its favour. Why should they just work with the NGOs? Why is it wrong to think about raising money? Why should it be a sin, if an actor wishes to charge money for working as a human serving a human? The world will soon get more scientists & artists or both in combination depending upon ‘today’. They are regarded as gods by those people who make and break them. Are they really the gods? I don’t think so! They are very much humans. So just let them be. Its high time that they should not just be assigned to the artist management companies but instead they should be shared with ‘Musk Explorers (ME)’. As the ME grows in numbers, it can generate profits to the company too by reporting its  real-time results. Ask how? Your beloved actor would not just feed the poor but will collect real time data too! Yes, you heard it right. They should collect the real time location and their real videos to their reporting managers. Well, I am not setting up an industrial revolution for the actors here! They would surely share these with their fans and their fan base would keep doing what they have always done; like, share & subscribe! This would further help the PRs to generate revenue, some of which can be generously donated to the NGOs as the ultimate goal would be to eliminate hunger. Believe me! Just donating money by a select few won’t change the scenarios of our roads! You need to provide them a house to live and food to eat first, before they can advance for education. Indeed, high security would be required. This idea can tremendously empower the freedom of our press from all corners of the globe. Using the actors here would be an added advantage as they are the most desirable to their fans. Nevertheless, a lot of risks might be involved.

I think this idea should be thought as a rocket fuel but undoubtedly, its sustainability depends on several aspects of the society where science and arts might be an offset. It is infamously said that only a few out of a million become actors but with the advent of technology, like the Geographic Information System, Musk Explorers can challenge and change the view. Don’t worry, the GIS would be utilized at its best by the folks who excel at it. Will the actors & artists join the parade?

Just to reduce the overburden pressure, I think all the leading industrialists should give it a thought.

The biggest question to Elon Musk is, “Should you invest?”



Thanks for reading it folks! Stay tuned for more.

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