Do you feel patriotic?

Gone are the days when being patriotic was sufficient to show the love for your country. Today, the anthropogenic warehouses demand you to prove the love for your country. Do u have to be in the forces to show the love by telling the world that you can sacrifice your life and that nobody else can do so except a few likeminded assets of the country?
I do not agree with this notion. We were taught in our childhood days that you can also be outside the forces and still shower love for your country. Today country and countries have become asylums and warehouses where humans are treated like animals. There is no distinction between the behaviours although physiologically you can make the differences.
What saddens me the most is the fact that this opinion has been sabotaged by new terminologies. We all are aware that the laws of a constitution protects the rights of the people but when this law is utilised by a few groups to promote their propaganda, it becomes a dilemma for simple people to follow any ideology in particular. The result of which is reflected in the voting patterns of countries which are covered under the realm of democracy.
It reminds me of a geology where a roll over geometry for an upper plate boundary in a shoulder uplift has two sides; one plunging towards the rift zone and the other away from it and could possibly be paving a way for the rim basin. Similarly, such a division of mentalities seems to be a provision for the fundamentals of political framework in the geographical provinces. Is it truly a division or dissection of the mind which would slowly be bilaterally symmetrical or will an asymmetry give rise to such divisions in the society is a question. It is truly appalling to see how a territory inhabited by the supposed intellectuals could be vandalised in the name of effective radicalism or liberalism or by lawkeepers of a society borne out of savage kingdoms.
I hope and pray to the rational mindsets to not neglect logic and reason before it is used for coupling the younger generations into the whirlpool of winds venerating from chaos. If love for the nation is used as an act of subjugation to derelict policies favouring one over another, it needs to be checked and cross-checked to avoid misrepresentation of an existential framework which could have otherwise been used for beneficial purposes.
I am stunned by the use of the terminologies like patriotism and vigilante and it appears to be two extremes of the society and how they govern the lives of simple people. It is probably high time that we stand and hold ourselves to testify our love for the nation before falling into the savage kingdoms run by the assimilation of patriots and vigilantes.

Thanks for reading.


Miss Zarin Ali.

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