Life lessons from the lenses of Ibn e Insha

بسم الله رحمانير رحيم
Salaam and Namaste to all genres of folks.
Roti, Kapda aur Makaan; the food, clothing & housing is considered as one of the basic tenets of life. Interestingly, Ibn e Insha in his famous book ‘Urdu Ki Aakhiri Kitaab’, requests people to focus on building an ‘Imaan’ before dreaming of the materialistic happiness. The real spiritual opening of the soul as seen from his point of view introduces to one of the five pillars of Islam in a satirical way. Religion is not the focus here but the values that build a human is what it takes to understand humanity.
A comparison of the natives of different countries and races have also been made. Iran, England, France, Pakistan, India are so talked about but did you often wonder that Sindhis, Punjabis, Bengalis are common in both India & Pakistan? The most asked question as to why the boundaries were made is really good but the modern day answer is that some boundaries can never really be trespassed. This certainly doesn’t mean that you feel terrified to venture someone’s country. Satirically, this is why we are clubbed with humans and not birds who can freely migrate & immigrate.
The kingdom in the-then time saw the uprising of rich & their riches while the poor & poorers were cornered. With the coming of British, the differences still remained. At least today, poor are also talked about and so much to the fact that the rich might be insecure and ask about the sources. Why cannot you build your own source instead of relying on other sources? Such thoughts introduce the idea of individuality & entrepreneurship of their own kind. May be it is the test of time which never favours one over another. Times change and so do the rulers. Insha’s thoughts about geography is indeed impressive. Earth is round not perfectly though. It is good & bad for different kinds of people. Galileo told that earth is revolving around Sun but the society/church were wary of this fact and possibly punished Galileo. Then came the time of Columbus. His discovery of America in the 15th century invited friends & foes from everywhere. Isn’t America taking a toll on people? Should it be so, there’s no doubt why some people were not happy with his discovery.
Pakistan, a land bounded by lands & rivers, too has divisions of its own kind. One on the west while the other on the east. As on this day, people are trying to find origin & traces of the real mankind of Pakistan. Certainly, they couldn’t find it may be because something or someone else might define its boundaries.
He takes a dig while discussing the Indian patriots Mahatma Gandhi & Nehru. Interestingly, Nehru’s approach in looking at Hyderabad and Kashmir has been funnily quoted but who knows what guided what and who guided whom? The sacrifices of leaders everywhere is viewed differently at different places. Cow, an animal of great vigour is loved & respected to the extent by most of the Indians for its many properties. They take it as a sin to even think about killing it but you know what probably we never really try to do is an in-depth understanding of traditions and beliefs. Yet again, people are bestowed by freedom of speech & expression but does that give them right to speak anything even without understanding the aftermath of it? Clear your mind from the cobwebs of doubts. Anyway, minds are mingled yarns, doesn’t mean that one can build any of their thoughts to create a channel which is not required.
The stone age, the iron age touched our ancestors and no doubt, this must be the reason that we love the gold & silver so much. I love zinc too, much like you do. The iron gets rusted but can be reused by greasing and applying scientific methods. No doubt, the stones are there everywhere witnessing the amount of selfishness and sacrifices that we make day in & day out while using it to make the idols of our choice. Such is the importance of the stones that we still follow it for it is made to behave the way we want. Is that being a puppet? Possibly yes. It doesn’t suit puppets of all kinds because of varieties, I suppose.
Modern age is the age of papers. Remember rocks, papers & scissors? This game doesn’t seem to end but with the age of papers we are in, no doubt, the papers will beat the rocks but interestingly the scissors cut the papers. This reminds of an online age where the papers online make it difficult for scissors to beat it. Hence, the paperback & the online mode are here to stay but in a language that makes people understand the content together with the sketches in the storyboards might be helpful.
Insha’s take on Ramayana & Mahabharata, the two epic tales that are taught to each & every Indian is pretty good. Further, he discusses about the war between the infamous Sikander & Porus. There are controversies about the real victory because nobody really won with the brutal killing. If you kill someone today, you will be killed by someone else, may be by someone of your own, tomorrow. So the questions will never stop coming & going. Therefore, it is absurd to wait for answering to questions which have been made to look questionable.
From Ghaznavi, Lodis to Tughluqs & Mughals, India was attacked every now & then but was India really taken over? Possibly, a part of the Somnath temple was destroyed but it is said that it was done as part of the on going culture and there was no intention to steal the treasure but it’s a controversy, of course. Mehmood & Ayaz as per history, became close and were spotted together while the entire lot of the other people fought. The payment dues by the-then time till now, seems to be a play which is never ending. You may die but you will never be remembered if you couldn’t pay. Such is the status of the state today. Today, people can make you suffer and enjoy expecting you to yawn in pain, if you do not clear your debts. From heinous charges to what not, if u do not pay the debt, you will never really be honoured. Talking about budget, adding & subtracting will never really clear dues. Therefore, knowingly, you will be thrown in the trap to take more & pay gradually as it’s an illusory trap to let you in.
What can you do? Design your budget individually without being plural. Often the plural goals prove disastrous with you not knowing the real intentions of others. Take care of yourself.
While you can read loads of the saga of the rise & fall of emperors, it will certainly give you goosebumps if you are still stuck in the past because believe it or not, the modern age belongs to those who are aware of riding the chariots with grace and with an understanding of balancing the needs of the colour, caste & creed of various kinds of people.

Thank you for your patience. Stay blessed. Love you all.

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