Do you have any idea of the smell that you leave behind after you walk out of your house or your workplace? The fragrance tells it all. If the perfume you wear is unbearable, you might be ridiculed by the person sitting next to you. Here’s where the adverse situations arise. A new way to look at diversity is indeed the need of the hour. It is not intended to favour women over men but it is just an effort towards understanding the not-so-discussed topic of gravity; fragrance.

As women have been infamously taught by the society to wear their ‘type’ scent, don’t you think that you need to blur this ideology? Its better not to make assumptions about the ‘type’ scent based on what you see because if you want to create a change, you should bring the change yourself.

The most simple way to ensure the free flow of fragnance between two or among a few in a group,  is to maintain a clear communication with respect to the work definitions. In workplace, it is always better to have a defined set of goals with no space for unnecessary gossips as it would kill time. However, keep your senses wide open to access & process the signals. The need is to be smart enough to filter the wrong signals by confronting it at the right place and right time with the right set of people.

This notion of fragnance, if used effectively can help women to get visibility on the same platform as that of men. It costs a lot to earn credits to purchase the scent of your choice specially in the scent of a male dominated society.  Fragnance is not a woman’s perfume alone. It belongs to everyone; the better you have, the greater you will be.

You may like to read a few thought provoking statements too. Some of them are :

“Marketing products through the gender binary is an effective strategy because men and women have been told they are supposed to look, dress, act and smell a certain way. This creates a feedback loop whereby the supply engenders the demand and the demand engenders the supply.”

 “gender-specific fragrance is as absurd as gender-specific food.”

Emmanuelle Moeglin, founder of the Experimental Perfume Club, says, “When perfume is stripped of marketing and visual cues, men who visit my lab do not censor themselves from using traditionally ‘female’ ingredients such as rose and jasmine. The rise of niche perfumery has helped to break gendered olfactory codes.”

No matter what and who the person is, irrespective of any colour, caste/creed,  the good fragnances  will continue to have a wide range of opportunities in the ladder of growth specially in this age of competition.

Thanks for reading. See you all soon with new thoughts. Till then, follow me @zarinali #thevibes, @zarin_ali1 on Instagram, @Zar1nAl1 on Twitter! Stay tuned for more.

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