Lockdown Diaries

Sharing thoughts from the lockdown diaries!
Teaming and trimming are already going on. Wishing love and luck to the new age technologies. Are you more into curbing critics? So out of quitting and cutting, I sympathise with the happenings around like in case of Phillipines’ press sufferings. The non essentials like the pubs, theatres were the first to close and might be the last to open. This is truly sad but yes I hope that these will somehow collab with the parties who are in the business of streaming. We all need each other in such hefty times. Our war is against corona thats taking a toll on all of us. Meanwhile you might be downloading apps. I would like to know on what good is liquor doing to us in fighting covid. Also you might have heard of Muslims stealing the light by being tagged as the chefs serving covid. If it is true, I hope some liquor comes out for the rescue.
Well at a global level, India is politically being ridiculed! I won’t comment on the packages as it requires analysis and the country already is filled with good amounts of trolls. Hope all are having a good time and wish you luck for the 4th phase of lockdown. Till then, don’t be corona positive or better delay being positive so that the curves locally and globally are flattened!
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned @ #thevibes!

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