The Orphans

Who came first-the egg or the chicken? You decide. Life is precious! Would you like to treat it as a ‘lost & found’ notice??? You were merely an egg before you were launched! You like it or not but eggs attract us all. That is why a cuckoo hides its eggs because a crow might crush it into pieces. My dear readers, you won’t be able to reverse it. The yolk cannot be regenerated. Imagine an egg(male) messing brutally with the grown up egg(female). Sounds pathetic. At that point of time, the female is no less than a shattered shell fragment. Don’t get me wrong but I am not demeaning anyone. Why am I making you read this? It will make sense when you read till the end.

Amidst the covid lockdown, there were two eggs left at the outskirts of my room. For a moment, I felt like a cuckoo who should hide it from the rest in order to protect it. I took up the role of a cuckoo. The feeling of ‘Yashoda’ (Lord Krishna’s ‘not’ biological mother) pierced my heart and the cuckoo and Yashoda inside me joined hands and I took care of it for a few days. I placed them at a common kitchen (which is outside my room) safely.

Last night, the cuckoo inside me transformed into a crow. This is because I am a full-fledged human. I am sorry but I could not resist myself. I decided to have it for my dinner without anybody’s notice. I never expected that the two invisibles will be visible to others. Today morning, I thought I will pay a last visit before its funeral which I was supposed to conduct myself. As a matter of fact, there is competition everywhere; of course for food too! So did the universe snatch my funeral rights? Of course not! Some other crow must have been waiting for the golden opportunity. As soon as I fell asleep last night, something weird happened because on waking up today morning, I was bewildered to find that those two eggs were used up. Only the shells were left for me. I took it as a lesson. I felt that the world wanted to tell me that people are dying of hunger. With no money coming in, whatever little you have must be saved. Save more!

For the first time, I didn’t feel like cursing the crows like me. We are all the same. This is may be because we are all humans. However, we must save ourselves now. I know this lockdown is important for flattening the curve. I wish if there could be a helicopter raining only eggs. If you do not have a free money-printing machine, how could you dare to dream of eggs raining abundantly? If you do so, then too many eggs in our baskets will pile up overtime. If the world runs short on the egg supply,  you will be charged for treachery. This is world market. However, how would you know about the number of eggs being, if at all in an odd condition? What would be the cost of eggs per dozen? I feel scared of the economic depression. Hope we all stay safe as safety is the need of the hour.

However, I hope that some genetic engineering comes for the rescue of my eggs. I am looking forward to make egg curry tonight. Wanna join me? I respect your right to privacy! Stay tuned to

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Love you all and see you soon with another egg curry!!!!

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