Corona Spawn

While I was watching some videos on the effects of corona lockdown, I was trying to analyse the chronology too! I was thinking about my weight and these thoughts made me write something to share with you all.

If you think this lock down will take a toll on your health, I would request you to think otherwise. Is your mental health gaining weight or is the physical health booming? If either of them shrinks, then you can compare yourself to the fluctuating fuel prices! I am referring to this to only make you feel better.

This lock down has taught me that am indeed blessed and I suppose you too, hoping that you continue to stay fit and fine as this is the covid time. In a world where crude oil prices can be rude anytime, you might be scared of financial securities too but a cut in transportation has been a requirement although communication blackouts of many types have occurred. Everywhere people are discussing about resetting a structured economy would be one of the challenges and essentially investing too much in higher techs is not a great option. Yes, so we need to optimise ourselves in using the existing technology we have. Furthermore, people like farmers thriving on agriculture-driven economy tend to suffer the most.

Now if you would look at our lives during lockdown, then essentially we are trying to stabilise our personal and professional needs. Socially distancing ourselves is not a shame. It is a requirement that our governments would refer in the times of crisis. Besides, I think social distancing otherwise gives you a lot of time which you can use judiciously for expanding ‘yourself’.

Although NO2 , CO2 levels have shown a reduction globally but the scale of observation is too narrow. If you think in the order of 100s, several crests and troughs are averaged out but when you think in the order of 10s, those crests and troughs show up which in this case is giving an impression of quite good times for environment but then how would you take account for the relation of environment, economy and mortality? If you ask me, I would define it in this way; a short period of environment cleansing with a large mortality reduces the economic strength. If we try to control the casualty rates of covid, we need to ignore the economic goals but to ramp them up soon after the lockdown is difficult.

It is essential therefore, that we be ready to face the heat because the times have heated up. Let’s gear up to boost our immunities first. I cannot comment on the possibility of extended lockdown because it all depends on the moods and strong willpower of not being corona positive!

Thanks all for reading!

Stay tuned for more.

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