moms initiative

Hello everyone! Seeing you all after quite some time and I think it is important to get a check on what’s happening around.  Hope you all are doing well. So we all love our mothers, don’t we?

As a matter of fact, we are all blessed to have been raised well but then there are a few who probably are not as fortunate as we are. This could be driven by many factors, poverty being the most promising one. At times, it is not poverty alone but could be a mix of social issues too.

We need to be aware about some of the initiatives taken to strengthen women and enable them to obtain quality-driven standards during child birth. Of the many different SDGs of UN, some are aimed to prevent the maternal deaths.

Let’s get a quick insight into it. We are all aware about the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) which includes

  • reduction of global maternal deaths by 2/3rds by 2030
  • requires new financing strategies. Reason?

-Cost to end preventable maternal deaths by 2030 is $115.5 billion

-$11.9 billion in dev. Assistance to come to 120 countries over next 10yrs.

-Investment Gap= $103.4 billion (source: UN population fund)

How it is being mitigated?

MSD (Merck Sharp & Dohme) for mothers for health financing. MSD taking care of the MOMs (Maternal Outcome Matters) initiative is interesting. MSD collaborators like Credit Suisse, Global Financing Facility, LifeBank, Mathematica, MomCare, Palladium, USAID etc. help to unlock additional financing & allocate resources more efficiently & effectively. They are taking care for stimulating entrepreneurship in health, demonstrating how digital tech can be used to put women and their healthcare financial needs, testing new incentive structures to drive results and mobilizing private sector contributions & domestic resources. Currently one of the techs & logistics startups(supporting #MaternalOutcomeMatters(MOMs) initiative) is LifeBank (to name a few). It delivers blood by motorbike to healthcare facilities so that providers may treat patients (based in lagos, Nigeria). It collaborated with Google maps and shortened the delivery times.

In India, MSD for Mothers have led public-private partnership to create DIB(Development Impact Bond). DIB is a relatively untested financing instrument (especially in health) linking payments to results. This $9 million DIB is funding quality improvement efforts in private health facilities in Rajasthan (where maternal mortality rates are well above national average).

Why would you opt for a private way?

It provides the expectant the necessary care required with quality standards above all and the evidence of earlier work by Jhpiego funded by MSD for Mothers in Jharkhand and UP, showed facilities in compliance with national standards improve heath outcomes.

(Please note: You might refer to the MSD for mother’s report to know more.)

Thanks for reading!

See you all sooner than soon.

Love and regards,

Zarin Ali @ #thevibes

Follow : @Zar1nAl1 on Twitter

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Love lots! Take care 🙂




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