If you are wondering about the title of my post, I assure you that you won’t get bored reading it. It is specially dedicated to the Dr. Himadri, an angel.

Hello and wishing you all a blessed day! Mubarak everyone on the occasion of a light day for me and certainly not for the rest! Happy reading…..

I was carrying the credit cards, cheques and/or left over cash, the day before. Yes I was surrounded by quite a good number of people of differing backgrounds irrespective of colour, caste, creed and religion.  No matter what, amidst the honorary conversations, I was too engrossed into my activities. Now the question is how come can I feel light when I was almost being rammed over by my wish lists and the carcinogenic bucket lists of others around? Isn’t it? It was pretty easy. I knew it always that it is the intensity of my wishlist which must be balanced by the priorities around and of course, no matter what, never expect to please everyone. So did I.

I was carrying myself with style and a stye(eye swelling) because this is what a model and a really acting geologist is supposed to do. It is so important to be surrounded by people who can make you feel calm. Isn’t it? Sad for me but at least my family living outside extended support as much as they could and what more could I expect? I remember that I consulted a doctor nearby but I was not so satisfied with his theory and practical. Apologies but we all should have someone to whom we might look upto and feel comfortable. All the good vibes around made me feel like I should at least try calling (over phone) to my uncle, Dr. Himadri staying far. Oh God! He is indeed magical. The Indian doctor whom I have adored ever since I met him with my parents. I developed a kind of connection with him with no selfish desires. He recommended me some do’s and don’ts but the best thing he did was extending the mental support through his great and good words. So now you understand as to why should I feel light despite being so tight. God bless my uncle, Dr. Himadri.

As I am reaching to an end of this post, I would love to thank him. There is indeed no noble profession other than that of medicines. Their hospitality is just inexplicable.

May I request and hope that we should at least try developing the language of good will, good vibes and positivity. This post is dedicated as a thanksgiving on behalf of my family to Dr. Himadri! Thanks for attending my phone calls every now and then. May your blessings continue to shower love and light everywhere.

Well…..It also reminds me of some dialogue somewhere stating the urge to continue obtaining blessings of all mothers. So allow me redefine politely, “Meri bhi Maa, teri bhi Maa, hum sabki Maa ka aashirvaad hum sabke saath hi hai. Mujhe toh bin kahe mere Mamma ki aashirvaad milegi hi, not because I deserve but because this is what I was born for unlike a few others. While I consider my mom as a brand, meri Maa ka aashirvaad is a brand(it is a very good brand of flour(aata) in the market. However, you might turn upto the ganesh aata brand. Both are cool….hahaha….(for information, please only think it in a positive manner as I have no mal-intentions in this good will post of mine. I do not intend to make a hotch potch of emotions at least at the point of time, when am feeling grateful. My recovery phase is passing and hope that my stye(eye swell) is cured. Wish luck for me and thanks yet again for different reasons though.”

[For the English reading people translation: “Blessings of my, your and our mothers have been the underlying reason for our upbringing and we should be grateful about it. Moreover, mothers’ blessings is no less than a brand that we should look upto. ]

Thank you everyone for reading!


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