Holy shit! It has been a long time and I missed you all so much. This is what the tradition is like. Right? Actually it is not applicable in the digital era. Apologies for the disappointment. Ask me why? We carry the word press in our hearts and this is the reason that despite staying miles apart, we all are so closely hooked. There is a little bug in this because there is a virus called communication. Once your digital lifestyle is infected with it, you will be prone to the diseases associated with it. It cannot be cured unless the Dr. Notifications don’t pop. Familar it is!
Are we slaves to this digital farm? I don’t think so because we have an option in the form of settings. Who can control this? It is we, the humans. We develop technologies and I mean numerous techs flying day in and day out, all of which are popularly called as the start ups. So much of intelligence which is not artificial has been implemented in the different uses such as the AI (artificial intelligence). A great deal of efforts resulted into great unthinkable and good initiatives. No am not biased but I just felt like appreciating. There are plenty or could be plenty of others fighting and/or competing but I would affably tell that it is not always necessary to participate in the pride and prejudice but then you might have scars left deep inside. Hold for a minute….these scars might not be like an active volcano. Whether they’ll be dormantly disruptive or disruptly dormant depends on how deep the incision was.
“Hail!”, she said.

“Hell she is”, she said.

Is hailing a form of healing? I don’t think so.

Is healing a form of hailing? Depends on how we decide to look at our surroundings. We cannot debug everything in a system.

Now coming to a great point, I would like to take an opportunity to think for the marketing strategies although I am not an IITian….hahaha. Say you want us to believe a rumor. We would love to, as being part of the people if we have to decide for what is right and what is wrong but then any political ad might run as part of a campaign but it loses it’s importance as soon as the politician documents ideologies in the name of running for a political ad. It is interesting to note here that Mr. Zuckerberg has clearly stated that any wrong content floating on facebook has not undergone any fact checking at all because the company’s policy believes that people should be able to see for themselves what politicians are saying. So in a way none of the media should be directly blamed except for the politician documenting/confessing/posting ideologies.

Should we expect that the media will turn in order to avoid getting blamed over the false claims and instead join and/or unite with the right policies? Let us avoid the misuse of media and use it for the right purpose! Furthermore, if you want the policies to stay constant, why not ask the politician to add a ‘just kidding’ note in case of high level fake claims/documentations? Analytically, it is referred to as the constant entropy with some modifications in any pressure or volume. I leave it upon the readers to wonder and ponder and let the good vibes stay!

Thanks for a patient reading!

Lots of love,

Zarin Ali @ #thevibes

(“My name is Zarin and am not a terror freaked person”; for the media records)

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