As a woman, I would just ask a few pertinent questions. I don’t know if you might find it relevant or not….

Q1. How do you address your sister/brother?

Q2. How would you treat your mother/father?

Q3. What do you feel about your imaginary girlfriend and/or hyped girlfriend?

Q4. How do you treat your wife?

Q5. What do you think about the male and female counterparts around you?

Most importantly, how do you rate your life? Have you ever given birth to a child? If not, no issues but at least look at your mother. The pain she had to go through is something that cannot be compensated by your intangible glory. We are just infants in front of our mothers. Aren’t we?

Sometimes I keep coming across people with demands that are economically feasible but ethically immoral. If you are not okay with either of them, how could you bring the question of life and death? There are lakhs of people dying around us; some inflicted with diseases, a few affected by the manmade series of attacks and even after all these, how come the hatred blooms every now and then?

Did you ever try to look at the crux of the problem?….The solution has always been beforehand but the solution was too costly for you to meet. Right? Imagine if a victim comes up with the problem and solution and even after that, you prefer reconciliation every time. Let us assume that the victim is an ‘airtel’ user. With absolutely a nil network, the user decides to lay out a foundation relying on ‘airtel’ alone. However, user turns out to be at the intersection point of a bifurcated road by following the signal. The user wishes for the airtel network to come up with the right signals. The right signals come up despite being jammed by the crotchety attitude of some beings. Analytically speaking you know……it is a matter of pride to some users when they receive a share of unexpected love and respect. Gratitude….

It is difficult at an emotional level to deal with the real and the reel life, if one is stressed because of either of them. Just ponder on this please….you wish to support a foundation and the people dwelling there want to divide and rule. Some one might wish to make peace at the cost of fulfilling a few terms and conditions but then a person is shown the road most travelled. Then one fine day, the person realises that if he/she doesn’t value themselves, nobody else ever will. Then we draw the boundaries and demarcate areas. Pictorially we might venture into other’s domains in the name of edits and credits but something that keeps creeping under covers are regarded as uncool. Ofcourse, any normal person would be compelled to watch despite knowing the reality. So, do images control mind? It depends on the context of the situation….! Had it been completely true, the weird reflections would have ratified the same much earlier, since the day the things were born.

It is not at all a sin if you support a person for all the goodness you possess but we had heard that charity begins at home. I have never seen people pulling off their own oxygen masks to lend lives.

Well….you might have suffered for the childish desires overshadowed by the general demands. You know, there comes a time when victory and defeat is deciphered. Do not drag life to it. Your, mine and all ours’ lives are precious because it has been gifted to us. Those who have already subjugated the population need not even worry or show anger. There is always a section of population who do not believe in comparison. So why demean anybody?

It was never about adding sugar but the need was just to withdraw and not even eliminate any ingredient.

May the rain clean the stain!

That’s all!


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