How Often Do We Juggle?

The term ‘Juggling’ might have estranged origins. However, I learned about it through a friend of mine. He never knew until I told him. Today he asks me about it. The reason? I know some creative minds might be trying to narrate according to their wishes as to what it is all about. I am not referring to juggling apples and mangoes, dear. I am thinking about something different.

Juggling to me is like a challenge especially when it comes to remembering names. There are some people who get offended by this attitude and they would directly reprimand me for the same. So once I googled in and checked the stats of like-minded people. I was overjoyed to see the good numbers. To my dismay, my dear friend seems like a distress because he is apparently good in remembering names. So I was forced to develop a magic trick. I went back to my Godfather, I mean our Godfather- The Google! It deliberated good strategies to practice and exercise. I still put a lot of pressure and the grey matter aches so bad but I feel overwhelmed when seemingly, the shitty strategy works well. Do you know who is this person who taught me this terminology?…..Hold on! It is certainly not you. It is the Oxford English Dictionary(OED) that we have all read and we still refer to.

Of late, I have juggled through different interests and honestly, it feels good. It refreshes you like anything. A good and gritty person bluffed my greatness. The consequence? I was bitten so bad! As the weirdo honest that I really am, my world went upside down when the crowd shouted so bad. I wish if I could explain……I wondered and the person thundered, towering and trolling all around me like a radar visible to all, inevitable to me. Oh I mean the natural satellite, you know, the moon. Sometimes you look at the moon and it is shining up there and at other times, the moon appears to care and it could be so rare.

I remember someone possibly putting up good remarks as to why a blogger should waste their energy juggling through different areas of work. I only wish if I could explain as to how pleasant it feels to be ‘divided by many and united by one’ . Oh don’t abuse for stealing someone else’s slogan(Kingfisher no more, right?). After all, life is all about how you redraw and display after the cut, copy and paste. Isn’t it? You never know how many might be streamlining the same. I am just being a representative, in that case.

As a geologist I am, I was reading about the sand injectites. They are kinds of intrusive traps with underlying reservoirs and have multiple avatars of sills and dikes emanating up and going down. They are usually associated with polygonal faults and thus, their geometries knew no bounds. It is a much less talked technical topic but gradually gaining some importance in the areas of hydrocarbon exploration. Technically speaking, thanks to the new age seismic modelling propositions. Don’t you feel juggling through the different though, the most talked, moderately trolled and the least tolled topics? They say that things will be shaping up for the better. Let’s see, if so happens. By the way, if you want to talk about such fascinating theories (which have been proved practical in some of the areas near North Sea), you are most welcome!

If you admire me, adore me. If you adore me, adhere by your mind and heart. Thanks for being with! Thanks for staying! Thanks for holding #TheVibes and #ThisIsYourZarin signing off for the day. Stay tuned and needless to say, juggle well. Someone might be waiting for you because time is money but life is precious. How about starting with a perfect balanced diet? I would and so will you?




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