What is OUR problem?

Do we bring concepts to improve people or to deprive them of their good ways? It is important to accept people the way they are, if they are on the path of improvement. Say, I visit somebody’s house and start judging as to what things should be according to the luxurious lifestyle I have been laid to, what reaction do you expect out of this? Your work is not to poke your nose into others’ lifestyles and if it mentally affects you and not the majority, there could be something erroneous with your ways of life. Imagine if there is a street dog shitting everywhere, it is a nuisance for everyone but if you reprimand the dog just because it is a street dog, then it is probably a blasphemy!

I have seen people with beautiful faces and fluctuating moods known for pelting stones. God knows why there is a mood, an ego which we need to take care of before addressing others. When you are lower in the hierarchy kingdom, you are actually more powerful than anybody else. Would you ask me why? Alright! I will tell you. People up on the ladder have to survive the threat from people above. So the principles that enthrall them more are none other than the fantasies, adorable to hear and difficult to bear! Do you find yourself near to this? If yes, please change your attitude and if not, then you will sustain the apocalypse! I feel horrified thinking about it because it scares me but when I wonder about the unity thing, I ponder as to who all will be the part and who’ll be nullified. Hold on! Are you thinking about the technical  apocalypse? No am speaking metaphorically, you know. The question is about surviving, persisting through or sustaining the life together with one and all.

Thanks for being with, forever…..lots of love and stay tuned for more @ #TheVibes and #ThisIsYourZarin signing off for the day and see you sooner than soon!

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