The Experiments

Hope you are in a good spirit! So again I am landing for a few more minutes here, on your screens, of course, as usual. Scroll below and here you go…3…2…1….Boom!!!!

So, can the fire in your belly make you do literally anything? So you must be thinking as to what fire I am referring to. I am talking about that tummy, the belly or that stomach, whatever you feel like calling it as. Do you ever feel like looking behind? You might find that you are better off than the few who are still trying to acquire what you might have. Next, what you could do is about thinking as to what better can be done or what difference you might bring in your life. Then, yet again the higher you reach, the more emotional you’ll be and your so called IQ competes with the EQ.  Just be the rainbow to a person’s cloud and not a cloud to someone’s rainbow.

Are you one of those who experiments with people’s minds because you want to buy the ThinkPad? Once I met a man who had a bunch of doubts and he thought he’ll derive solutions by implementing them in situations. On inquiry, he told me that he wanted to present the goodness and the greatness of his objects in focus, to the rest. I was a bit surprised. That man was an azeez(friend)….Later I realized that anybody and actually anybody could be his data objects although he was too sweet to even accept his mischievous attitude. He made me come across some innnocent people too and he directed them to experiment as well. I even accepted the negotiations but then there are always some limitations in any conditional probabilty.

Now you might be thinking as to why I am referring to the Baye’s theorem’s conditional probability. You must remember that if the experiments that are no less than mutual investments could be subject to market risks, then you must be careful while choosing your data objects. The former might sound safer and certainly less risky but the latter needs you to decipher the former. Therefore, choose your objects wisely. In short, it is important to understand and observe the advertisements carefully. This further reminds me of the 10% reservation for the economically weaker section in India in colleges and universities. This concept is still not clear to the general mass. We tend to like and love the likes. This is what the like minded merit holders believe and see now whether they’ll slip into the pond of the quota based candidates or not, depends on the impending implementation of the same. To brief you a bit, if reports are to be believed, probably the number of seats will be increased for the general category people while the rest of the reservation is constant. It seems like those who shout against nepotism might be their preys too. Hold on, even nepotism don’t come easy man. You have to proove your skills even after you get the party ticket but for the ones who fight for the ticket somehow meddle themselves in the not-so-needed debates. Basically, if your constitution has been framed, it surely considers certain aspects. However, we just keep reconsidering and this is what you can call as experimenting. If it is fruitful, fine then. If not, don’t beat around the bush.

As I always chant and so will I do again just for the people, the real people who read. Just be the best version of your prior self.

That’s all and this is Zarin Ali signing off and may I expect you to see me soon! Stay tuned for more and lots coming to keep you entertained…..


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